
This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be downloaded here.

Combining multiple static diagrams

It is possible to combine multiple tulips diagrams (at one particular time) in a single figure. This can provide additional insights about the properties of stellar models. In this notebook we demonstrate how you can do this and what you can learn from it. Let’s plot an energy and mixing diagram together with a perceived color diagram of an 11 \(M_{\odot}\) star. The perceived color diagram can show any property that is stored in the MESA output file of the stellar model. In our case we are interested in the helium core mass so we choose raxis=he_core_mass. To plot these diagrams in the same figure, we pass the same fig and ax that are returned from the energy_and_mixing function to the perceived_color function with fig=fig and ax=ax. In this way, tulips plots the perceived color diagram on the same figure and axis objects as the energy and mixing diagram. However, when we do this, the diagrams will be plotted on top of each other, which makes it difficult to interpret. Therefore, we choose different starting and ending angles so that each diagram covers only part of the circle. This can be done using the theta1 and theta2 properties. The angles are given in units of degrees and start counterclockwise from the horizontal axis. We choose to plot the stellar model at time_ind=2000 and change the axis limit and label with the axis_lim and axis_label options.

# Interactive matplotlib plotting for jupyter lab
%matplotlib inline

# If you use jupyter notebook
# %matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mesaPlot as mp
import tulips


m11 = mp.MESA() # Create MESA object
m11.loadHistory(filename_in=EXAMPLE_DIR + '')
fig, ax = tulips.energy_and_mixing(m11, time_ind=2000, theta1=0, theta2=180)
tulips.perceived_color(m11, time_ind=2000, raxis='he_core_mass', fig=fig, ax=ax, theta1=180, theta2=360, axis_label='Mass $[\mathrm{M}_{\odot}]$', axis_lim=15)


To properly compare the diagrams, make sure they have the same axis coordinate for the radius of the circle, such as mass in our case.

The upper half of the circle shows the energy generation rate, indicated by the colorbar on the right. The radius of this half-circle represents the total mass. The radius of the lower half of the circle shows the helium core mass, and its color indicates the perceived color of the star. From this plot, we can clearly see the hydrogen burning shell right above the helium rich core. This is just an example, but these combined diagrams can be created with all types of tulips diagrams, also with more than two. However, this feature is designed only for static diagrams that represent the stellar model at one moment in time.

Create diagrams in subplots

It is also possible to show different tulips diagrams in subplots. To do so, you first create a figure with multiple subplots. In the following example, we choose to create a figure with plt.subplots, where the first argument represents the amount of rows and the second the amount of columns. In our case we choose 1 row and 2 columns. We want to show an energy and mixing diagram together with a chemical profile diagram. With the ax property you can specify on which subplot the diagram should be shown. Since we want to show a chemical profile diagram, we first need to specify the folder where the file is stored.

SINGLE_M11_DIR = "../../../../old_tulips_project/tulips/tulips/MESA_DIR_EXAMPLE/LOGS/"
m11.log_fold = SINGLE_M11_DIR

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,5))
tulips.energy_and_mixing(m11, time_ind=0, fig=fig, ax=ax[0])
tulips.chemical_profile(m11, time_ind=0, fig=fig, ax=ax[1])
fig.tight_layout() # To make sure the axis labels don't overlap