
This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be downloaded here.

Chemical profile diagram

In this notebook we demonstrate how to create a chemical profile diagram with tulips. This diagram is useful when you are interested in the composition of a stellar model. It will not only show which isotopes are present, but also how the composition differs from the center to the edge of the stellar object. Similar to the other diagrams, tulips represents the stellar object as a circle, divided into rings. To show the interior composition, tulips uses nested pie-charts. For every ring, it shows the mass fraction of each isotope present in that layer by using different colors. Let’s try and create an example chemical profile diagram.

Load an example model

At first, we have to load the history output of a MESA model. Here we load the file of a \(11 M_{\odot}\) stellar model into object m11:

# Interactive matplotlib plotting for jupyter lab
%matplotlib inline

# If you use jupyter notebook
# %matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mesaPlot as mp

import tulips

# Specify directory of MESA model
SINGLE_M11_DIR = "../../../../old_tulips_project/tulips/tulips/MESA_DIR_EXAMPLE/LOGS/"

m11 = mp.MESA()


As explained in the Getting Started page, MESA produces two types of output: and files. When making a chemical profile diagram, make sure that both of these types of files are stored in the model.

Plotting the chemical profile

We produce a chemical profile diagram of our stellar model with the tulips.chemical_profile function. As arguments it requires our mesaPlot object m11, and a time index. Here, we plot a model halfway its lifetime by setting time_ind=1000. Have a look at the Getting Started page for more information about how to use time_ind.


This diagram shows us a stellar model, represented by a circle that is divided into nested pie-charts. You can specify the minimum width of a nested pie-chart ring with the width keyword. The colors indicate which element is present in a certain region in its interior, as shown in the colorbar on the right. It is possible to choose which elements you want to include. To do this, you can specify a list with isotope names through the isotope_list option.

Reading the diagram

The radius of the cirle is proportional to the square root of the enclosed mass. Accordingly, the area covered by a color is proportional to the total mass of that element. The grey circles help to visualize this, since they indicate the regions that account for 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the total mass. You can hide these circles with show_ring_annotations = False. In this example, we see a star whose outer layers consists for almost 75% of hydrogen and 25% of helium. However, the inner layers contain almost only helium. There is also a small part with heavier elements that come from the initial composition of the star.


It is possible to change what is represented by the radius with the raxis keyword. However, this is not recommended since it will make the diagram less intuitive and difficult to interpret. tulips automatically shows the square root of that quantity, which will make it hard to read the diagram.

Adjusting the diagram

By default, tulips creates pie-charts in a counterclockwise direction, beginning from an angle of 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. It is possible to change these settings by modifying the counterclock and startangle variables. Elements are plotted with a certain order. For each pie chart, tulips first plots the element that has the lowest mass number (hydrogen), and continues with heavier ones, ending with e.g. iron.

It is possible to scale the diagram. This can be useful if you are, for example, only interested in the composition in the core. You can do this by changing the scale variable, which gives the value to scale the circle to. The radius of the circle will be \(\sqrt{M_{\textrm{star}}}/ \sqrt{\textrm{scale}}\).

Creating your own colorbar

It is possible to create your own colorbar that is shown in the diagram. To do this, you can either change the colorbar settings in the chemical_profile function, or use the tulips.create_elem_colorbars function. Here, we demonstrate the latter. The function requires an isotope list that contains the elements that you want to include in the colorbar. To get all isotopes that are stored in a MESA model, you can use the get_isotopes and the get_isotopes_from_prof functions. The first one returns all elements in a MESA object, for example in our m11 object:

isotope_list = tulips.get_isotopes(m11)
['h1', 'he3', 'he4', 'c12', 'n14', 'o16', 'ne20', 'mg24', 'si28', 's32', 'ar36', 'ca40', 'ti44', 'cr48', 'cr56', 'fe52', 'fe54', 'fe56', 'ni56']

Alternatively, get_isotopes_from_prof only returns the elements in a single profile. This can be useful because loading all profiles is computationally expensive. To use this function, we load the first profile in the m11 object with m11.loadProfile(num=1). Then we use this profile, which can be accessed with, as argument of the get_isotopes_from_prof function:

profile_isotope_list = tulips.get_isotopes_from_prof(
['h1', 'he3', 'he4', 'c12', 'n14', 'o16', 'ne20', 'mg24', 'si28', 's32', 'ar36', 'ca40', 'ti44', 'cr48', 'cr56', 'fe52', 'fe54', 'fe56', 'ni56']


In the example above, you can see that the first profile contains the same list of isotopes as in the complete m11 object. This is because MESA keeps track of isotopes during the entire calculations. Often, in the beginning of a star’s life, small amounts of the heavier elements are already present (dependent on the star’s metallicity). It is possible to check these amounts throughout the star at a particular moment in time, for example for C-12, with or, alternatively, with['c12'].

Now let’s create a customized colorbar with these isotopes. To see how you can change the colormap, have a look at the Customize options page. It is also possible to specify how many elements you would like to show on the colorbar. With the min_cbar_elem and max_cbar_elem properties, you can manage the minimum and maximum amount of isotopes in one colorbar. To change the orientation of the colorbar, you can set orientation to 'horizontal'. In the following example we first create a chemical_profile diagram, without a colorbar. Then we plot a customized colorbar with the create_elem_colorbars function on the existing ax object.


Make sure to use the same colormap in your diagram and in your customized colorbar, otherwise the colors in the diagram will not correspond to the colorbar.

fig, ax = tulips.chemical_profile(m11, time_ind=1000, show_colorbar=False, cmap='plasma', fig_size=(8,6))
tulips.create_elem_colorbars(isotope_list, ax, cmap='plasma', min_cbar_elem=4, max_cbar_elem=5, orientation='horizontal')

As expected, tulips produced a horizontal colorbar with a minimum of 4, and a maximum of 5 elements, with the specified matplotlib 'plasma' colormap.

Creating an animation

To create an animation of a chemical profile diagram and see how the composition of the stellar model changes over time, you have to change the time_ind option. In the following example, we produce an animation from the first(0) to the last(-1) MESA model, calculated for 300 layers. It is saved in a file called chemical_profile.mp4, as specified with the output_fname keyword. You can specify the speed of the video with the fps (frames per second) option. It might take some time to create the animation!


The amount of profiles stores in the file can be small. When making an animation, make sure that enough profile output has been saved to show a meaningful time evolution of the composition. You can check when profiles are saved with m11.prof_ind['model']. This returns a list of indices that indicate at which MESA model number a profile is saved. You can use this to see how many profiles you have and if they cover the evolutionary stages you are interested in.

[ ]:
tulips.chemical_profile(m11, time_ind=(0,-1), fps=30, num_rings=300, output_fname='chemical_profile', cmap=tulips.CMAP_BASE)
from IPython.display import Video

Video("chemical_profile.mp4", embed=True, width=700, height=600)

During the first part of the animation, we clearly see the composition of the inner layers change from hydrogen (light blue) to helium (blue) because of nuclear burning. Then, after a the hydrogen shell burning phase where not much changes in the composition, the next stage of nuclear burning starts, which increases the carbon and oxygen mass in the core. In the same manner, the effect of all evolutionary stages on the composition can be observed in the animation.